Unincorporated Communities for Wildfire Safety

Supporting policies, candidates, measures and elected officials who are anti-sprawl, pro-wildfire safety, pro-rural communities and pro-open space and environment. 


Unincorporated communities have no city council, no mayor that represents our community. We have the Board of Supervisors. Unfortunately, they represent 600,000 residents mostly in incorporated cities (like San Diego, Encinitas, etc.).

So we have to punch above our weight to get heard. And we have special districts: Fire Board, Water Board, Healthcare Districts and so forth. All of these matter to us way more than the heavily covered and divisive national, state contests.

Make a contribution to help elect officials who support our communities.

Rancho Santa Fe Fire District Board of Directors (vote for all 3) on Nov. 5th

Vote for all 3 Candidates for Change

Doug Dill, Retired Technology Executive

  • Chair of the San Dieguito Planning Board (18 years)
  • Member of Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Town Council
  • Classic car enthusiast

Partial list of endorsements:

Nancy Goodrich: Assistant Chief of Police City of San Diego, (ret.)

Nick Dietrich: Nick’s Picks for Rancho Santa Fe voters

Scott Sutherland, Chair Elfin Forest Harmony Grove Town Council

JP Theberge, Vice Chair Elfin Forest Harmony Grove Town Council

Melanie Fallon, Director of Planning, City of Los Angeles (ret.)

Andrew Krynen, VP Technology Services Company

  • Chair of  Elfin Forest/Harmony Grove Fire Safe Council
  • Father of 5

Partial list of endorsements:

Nancy Goodrich, Assistant Chief of Police City of San Diego, (ret.)

Scott Sutherland, Chair Elfin Forest Harmony Grove Town Council

JP Theberge, Vice Chair Elfin Forest Harmony Grove Town Council

Melanie Fallon, Director of Planning, City of Los Angeles (ret.)

Kevin Barnard, Retired Police Detective 

  • Board of Directors, the Escondido Creek Conservancy
  • Former San Dieguito Planning Group member
  • Harmony Grove resident, 29 years

Partial list of endorsements:

Nancy Goodrich, Assistant Chief of Police City of San Diego, (ret.)

Scott Sutherland, Chair Elfin Forest Harmony Grove Town Council

JP Theberge, Vice Chair Elfin Forest Harmony Grove Town Council

Melanie Fallon, Director of Planning, City of Los Angeles (ret.)

Titles are for informational purposes and do not imply endorsement by any organization mentioned.

Replace stagnant, indifferent incumbents with people who care about all communities, not just one.

Often people vote for incumbents for these lesser known races. However, as there are no term limits, that has resulted in the same people on the board for decades, all were appointed to the position and all from the same community. This leads to apathy, inaccessibility and lack of representation. 

Chronic absenteeism

One incumbent, Nancy Hillgren, has missed 13 meetings since 2021 — a year’s worth of meetings. She’s been on the board for over 2 decades. Missing more than a quarter of all meetings in the past four-year term does not show strong leadership. 

County Board of Supervisors - District 3

The Board of Supervisors (BOS) boils down to one thing that impacts the unincorporated communities the most: land use. Any policies that impact, fire safety, open space, development, zoning and evacuation are voted on by the BOS and require 3 votes out of 5 to approve. Those 3 votes can literally change communities forever. That is why the building / development industry is the largest donor to supervisors that they believe will support their agenda.  

A strong NO! on Faulconer

There are numerous reasons not to vote for Kevin Faulconer, but the number one reason for us is that he is endorsed by the Building Industry Association and openly touts their objective of “taking back the unincorporated county.” 

Supervisors race is all about backcountry development

Building is good, but building sprawl projects in very high fire risk areas is not. In fact, San Diego County’s general plan for housing has made it very clear that sprawl in high wildfire risk areas with little to no infrastructure is not in the county’s (or taxpayers’) best interests.  That is why most of the unincorporated county land is zoned for rural density. However, a speculator can always buy one of these rural parcels for cheap and then attempt a “general plan amendment” to change it to a much higher density. Just the zoning change alone increases the value of the land ten-fold. And all that is required is 3 votes. Faulconer would be the third pro-sprawl vote on this board, which is why sprawl developers are throwing large sums of money at him. Their agenda is very clear as seen by the emails they send their members:


This means that the large, firetrap projects like Harmony Grove Village South will get a green light. The BIA has 2 supervisors on the board that are friendly to the “more sprawl development is better” cause. All they need is Faulconer to get their third vote which will radically change the semi-rural unincorporated areas for good

In our neck of the woods, Harmony Grove Village South is a 452 unit development being proposed in the most fire-prone area of the County with only one egress route (asking for a waiver for secondary egress requirements). Evacuation experts have essentially said the project is a death trap that could turn us into the next Paradise or Santa Rosa. This project will be coming to a vote in January 2024 link for more info. And the Colorado-based developer, RCS Harmony Partners, is pouring large amounts of money into supporting Faulconer.

BIA Newsletter: “Help us take back the unincorporated County. How? Join us in paving a path to victory for our endorsed candidate.” Building Industry Association PAC newsletter 6/2023

Faulconer: “I’ve always been a huge supporter of the BIA [Building Industry Association], and I want you know that if I’m elected in November the county will once again be open for business,” Faulconer said. “My opponent has shut down residential development in the county. That’s going to change when we win back the county.”  Building Industry Association PAC newsletter 7/2024

Titles are for informational purposes and do not imply endorsement by any organization mentioned.

We endorse Terra Lawson-Remer for Board of Supervisor District 3

We strongly believe that Terra Lawson-Remer will support us in our battle to not become the next Paradise or Oahu where hundreds died trying to evacuate wildfires on limited roads. 

Faulconer has publicly stated that the unincorporated county will be “back in business” when he gets elected. 

During Lawson-Remer’s last term, she worked with our community and proposed and passed numerous policies which emphasize wildfire safety over development priorities. This included newly developed Fire Protection Plan Guidelines, VMT guidelines and a new Climate Action Plan which discourages intense development in very high fire severity zones like ours. 

She is on record stating that she opposes sprawl and building in high wildfire risk areas. She also worked with our community in proposing more stringent regulations for Battery Energy Storage (BESS) facilities near residential areas.     

Copyright 2024, Unincorporated Communities for Wildfire Safety

Paid for Unincorporated Communities for Wildfire Safety, FPPC # 1476216

Not Authorized by any candidate or a committee controlled by a candidate